Christopher Busta-Peck: Plan of the city Marietta : laid out at the confluence of the River Ohio and Muskingum
Christopher Busta-Peck: View of the City of Sandusky, O.
Christopher Busta-Peck: Mill at Parkman Town on the Headwater of Grand River Emptying into Lake Erie-New Connecticut State Ohio
Christopher Busta-Peck: Early Print of Inscription Rock, Kelly's Island
Christopher Busta-Peck: Sculptured inscription on a rock, South Side of Cunningham's Is., Lake Erie
Christopher Busta-Peck: [A trader's map of the Ohio country before 1753]
Christopher Busta-Peck: Fort Sandoske
Christopher Busta-Peck: Plan Der Gegen des Ohio Flusses, wo ohneit da von am 9 July 1755; Zwischen denen Franosichen u Engl. Trouppen ein hiziges Tressen vor Gessullen und der Engl Gen. Braddock nebst 100 gelieben
Christopher Busta-Peck: Carte du cours de l'Ohyo ou la belle riviere : depuis sa source jusqu'a sa jonction avec celle d'Ouabache, avec les pays les plus voisins
Christopher Busta-Peck: [ Detroit, Sandusky, and Environs ] / [ Sandusky Bay and the British Fort ]
Christopher Busta-Peck: The Indians Delivering up the English Captives to Colonel Bouquet near his camp at the folks of Muskingum in North America in November 1764
Christopher Busta-Peck: The Indians Giving a Talk to Colonel Bouquet in a conference at a Council Fire Near his Camp on the Banks of Muskingum in America, in October 1764
Christopher Busta-Peck: A Topographical Plan of that part of the Indian Country through which the Army under the Command of Colonel Bouquet marched in the Year 1764
Christopher Busta-Peck: The Indians giving a Talk to Colonel Bouquet in a Conference at a Council Fire, near his Camp on the Banks of Muskingum in North America, in Octr. 1764.
Christopher Busta-Peck: The Indians delivering up the English Captives to Colonel Bouquet; near his Camp at the Forks of Muskingum in North America in Novr. 1764.
Christopher Busta-Peck: A Plan of an Old Fort
Christopher Busta-Peck: South West View of Fort Washington
Christopher Busta-Peck: Sketch of Fort Harmar from the Hill on the North West
Christopher Busta-Peck: A Plan of Campus Martius at the City of Marietta, Territory of the United States, N.W. of the River Ohio
Christopher Busta-Peck: View of the Northwest Block House, in Campus Martius Square from the Muskingum River
Christopher Busta-Peck: Plan of Part of the City of Marietta, at the Confluence of the Rivers Ohio and Muskingum, together with the remains of Ancient Works found there
Christopher Busta-Peck: [Plan of native American mound site]
Christopher Busta-Peck: Defense plan of Fort Finney at the mouth of the Miami
Christopher Busta-Peck: A Plan of Indian Fortifications discovered at the junction of the Ohio & Muskingum Rivers in 1785.
Christopher Busta-Peck: Bass Island in Lake Erie
Christopher Busta-Peck: Treaty of Greenville
Christopher Busta-Peck: Miami's River [now known as the Maumee]
Christopher Busta-Peck: South Perspective of Fort Jefferson
Christopher Busta-Peck: Farmer's Castle, Belpre, in 1791
Christopher Busta-Peck: Euclid Township - Prehistoric trails.