Christopher Busta-Peck: Carte de la Louisiane ou des Voyages du de La Salle
Christopher Busta-Peck: Carte Generale de Canada
Christopher Busta-Peck: A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto. (Sheet 6).
Christopher Busta-Peck: Carte dun Voyage Fait dans la Belle Riviere en la Nouvelle France
Christopher Busta-Peck: [detail] Mercer's map of Ohio Company lands
Christopher Busta-Peck: [A trader's map of the Ohio country before 1753]
Christopher Busta-Peck: Map of the western parts of the province of Pennsylvania, Virginia
Christopher Busta-Peck: Fort Sandoske
Christopher Busta-Peck: Map of the country about the Mississippi
Christopher Busta-Peck: [detail] Partie de l'Amérique septentrionale, qui comprend le cours de l'Ohio, la Nlle. Angleterre, la Nlle York, le New Jersey, la Pensylvanie, le Maryland, la Virginie, la Caroline
Christopher Busta-Peck: Carte du cours de l'Ohyo ou la belle riviere : depuis sa source jusqu'a sa jonction avec celle d'Ouabache, avec les pays les plus voisins
Christopher Busta-Peck: Plan Der Gegen des Ohio Flusses, wo ohneit da von am 9 July 1755; Zwischen denen Franosichen u Engl. Trouppen ein hiziges Tressen vor Gessullen und der Engl Gen. Braddock nebst 100 gelieben
Christopher Busta-Peck: (Ohio River Valley from Lake Erie to Cincinnati area [with] French Coastline from Marsaille to Toulon and Hieres)
Christopher Busta-Peck: A Sketch of the Several Indian Roads Leading from Fort Pitt to Sioto, Lake Erie
Christopher Busta-Peck: [ Detroit, Sandusky, and Environs ] / [ Sandusky Bay and the British Fort ]
Christopher Busta-Peck: Carte des Cinq Grande Lacs du Canada.
Christopher Busta-Peck: A Topographical Plan of that part of the Indian Country through which the Army under the Command of Colonel Bouquet marched in the Year 1764
Christopher Busta-Peck: River of Ohio
Christopher Busta-Peck: A Map of the Country on the Ohio & Muskingum Rivers Shewing the Situation of the Indian Towns with respect to the Army under the Command of Colonel Bouquet
Christopher Busta-Peck: A Plan of an Old Fort
Christopher Busta-Peck: [ Map of Schoenbrunn, Ohio ]
Christopher Busta-Peck: [Map of the Ohio River from Fort Pitt]
Christopher Busta-Peck: [detail] A New Map of the Western Parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina
Christopher Busta-Peck: [detail] New map of the western parts of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina
Christopher Busta-Peck: Sketch of the River Miamis
Christopher Busta-Peck: Carte des Frontieres Françoises, et Angloises dans le Canada depuis Montreal jusques au Fort du Quesne
Christopher Busta-Peck: Map of federal territory from the Western Boundary of Pennsylvania to the Scioto River
Christopher Busta-Peck: Plan of Fort Steuben
Christopher Busta-Peck: Map of the Federal Territory from the western boundary of Pennsylvania to the Scioto River