Christoph Burgdorfer: Before: A lot of confidence
Christoph Burgdorfer: Preflight Check
Christoph Burgdorfer: Manu(a/e)l launch
Christoph Burgdorfer: 280deg at 12 knots, 15feet - visibility 12 miles
Christoph Burgdorfer: Aircraft rescue operation
Christoph Burgdorfer: Dog & Master #1
Christoph Burgdorfer: Dog & Master #2
Christoph Burgdorfer: Airborne again
Christoph Burgdorfer: Tree landing #2
Christoph Burgdorfer: The pilot's first reaction
Christoph Burgdorfer: General assessment of the situation
Christoph Burgdorfer: Airplane in the tree
Christoph Burgdorfer: Airplane in the tree
Christoph Burgdorfer: Seemingly hopeless
Christoph Burgdorfer: Malaysian Airlines
Christoph Burgdorfer: Disappointment #1
Christoph Burgdorfer: Disappointment #2
Christoph Burgdorfer: Disappointment #3
Christoph Burgdorfer: given up ...
Christoph Burgdorfer: 2 hours later...
Christoph Burgdorfer: Another attempt to fly