cburg: Andrea's Amazing Folding Bike...it fits in the MINI!
cburg: ZoneTag Photo Saturday 3:59 pm 10/14/06
cburg: ZoneTag Photo Saturday 3:50 pm 10/14/06
cburg: Carving demo
cburg: architecture
cburg: needle in the sky
cburg: needle
cburg: needle
cburg: needle
cburg: path
cburg: sky
cburg: there was a bird
cburg: my museum going buddies
cburg: sky - looking out
cburg: sky - looking out
cburg: sky - This is my favorite right now
cburg: sky
cburg: andrea
cburg: architecture and clouds
cburg: architecture
cburg: sculpture
cburg: Deyoung
cburg: de young
cburg: inspiration for a table
cburg: gaggle...gaggle...
cburg: a gaggle of geese
cburg: cloud photo
cburg: One of many cloud photos
cburg: Cool analog mega panorama...over time.
cburg: Deyoung lobby