cbone60: Goofin'
cbone60: Ascending Wheeler Mtn.
cbone60: IMGP2501
cbone60: Willoughby from Wheeler Mtn.
cbone60: the guys on top
cbone60: Willoughby from Wheeler Mtn.
cbone60: headed down
cbone60: Late Afternoon Lightening
cbone60: IMGP2515
cbone60: Fading Light
cbone60: White Trail Down, Wheeler Mtn.
cbone60: "the view from the porch is lovely"
cbone60: by any means possible
cbone60: Haven
cbone60: Morning Light, Willoughby
cbone60: Windmills from Crystal Lake
cbone60: Like Seagulls
cbone60: Willoughby Sunset, 091212
cbone60: Familiar Friend
cbone60: IMG_1548
cbone60: IMG_1539
cbone60: IMG_1543