João Pedro Perassolo: O melhor tipo de publicidade
João Pedro Perassolo: a sunny day in glasgow
João Pedro Perassolo: 22 - 8 x 3 = 16,87
João Pedro Perassolo: Theoreme Darchimede
João Pedro Perassolo: Clarah toma sol
João Pedro Perassolo: May Nothing But Happiness Come Through Your Door
João Pedro Perassolo: lift your skinny fists
João Pedro Perassolo: Vive la resistance!
João Pedro Perassolo: Catherine liked high places / High up, high up on the hills / A place for making noises / Like whales / Noises like the whales
João Pedro Perassolo: Here she built a chapel / With her image / Her image on the wall
João Pedro Perassolo: A place where she could rest and rest / And a place where she could wash / And listen to the wind blowing