Hukuma: Fuck you, I'm leavin...
Hukuma: "When you jump for joy, beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet."
Hukuma: Eating.
Hukuma: Curve.
Hukuma: Crowded place...
Hukuma: Soul absorption.
Hukuma: Feeling the power of sunlight.
Hukuma: Check & Mate
Hukuma: I took another way. I don't regret it.
Hukuma: Reality... ?!
Hukuma: the moon. light as a feather.
Hukuma: Let's celebrate together
Hukuma: Going away.
Hukuma: leave this stairs.
Hukuma: Green Vs Red
Hukuma: trapped?!
Hukuma: 20:29-...more... and more.
Hukuma: Das Quadrat.
Hukuma: Just tune in, turn off, drop out, drop in, switch off, switch on, and explode.
Hukuma: Can you see it?!
Hukuma: Sky - Grass - Stones
Hukuma: Sky-Water-Sand
Hukuma: Let's go there.
Hukuma: Through the hearts.
Hukuma: The hand.
Hukuma: The_bridge.
Hukuma: Smile like you mean it.
Hukuma: Joooo-saft.