cat lover4: Us at Newfound Gap
cat lover4: Ed Took This at the Orchard
cat lover4: In the Rhododendron Garden
cat lover4: Checking the Shot
cat lover4: Getting the Shot
cat lover4: At the Trailhead
cat lover4: Ed & Cindy at a Popular Overlook
cat lover4: Me at the Middle Falls
cat lover4: Shadows on the Train
cat lover4: Self Portrait with Canon and 10-22 Lens
cat lover4: On The Trail
cat lover4: Mirror Images
cat lover4: Coming or Going?
cat lover4: 14 JAN 10, 14/365, "First Bike Ride of 2010"
cat lover4: Blue Gazing Ball Atop the Bottle Tree
cat lover4: On a Barge on the Missouri River
cat lover4: 2 SEPT 10, 245/365, "At the St. Louis Museum of Transportation"
cat lover4: 4 SEPT 10, 247/365, "Riding the Katy"
cat lover4: Thunderhead!
cat lover4: Heading to the First Drop
cat lover4: At the Beach
cat lover4: Cindy and Ed at the Game (and Dad)
cat lover4: 30 DEC 10, 364/365, "Music City Bowl"
cat lover4: We are at the Battleship
cat lover4: Long Shadow on Pensacola Beach
cat lover4: 26 MAR 11, 85/365, "MTSU Staff Overnight Backpack Trip to Savage Falls"
cat lover4: Dogwood Reflection
cat lover4: 21 APR 11, 111/365 "Feeding the Peacock"
cat lover4: Mar 12 - 30 Pounds of Cat Holding Me Down
cat lover4: April 1 - Your Reflection