tiaspop: let's go home
tiaspop: the picture of contentment
tiaspop: IMG_0194
tiaspop: Where's that squirrel?
tiaspop: IMG_1030
tiaspop: Sleepy T
tiaspop: ready for bed
tiaspop: watch dogs
tiaspop: playing ball
tiaspop: rub my belly
tiaspop: IMG_1500
tiaspop: IMG_0846
tiaspop: the mailman cometh
tiaspop: open up and say ahhhh
tiaspop: t and her ball
tiaspop: IMG_0234
tiaspop: IMG_1907
tiaspop: my camera reflected in max's eye
tiaspop: IMG_2084
tiaspop: IMG_2063
tiaspop: IMG_2087
tiaspop: IMG_2155
tiaspop: IMG_1866
tiaspop: IMG_0014
tiaspop: kris & rex
tiaspop: IMG_2438
tiaspop: IMG_2512