cat segovia: Faith is an island in the setting sun, But proof is the bottom line for everyone ~ Paul Simon
cat segovia: Beautiful British Columbia Bokeh
cat segovia: ♥ puppy love ♥
cat segovia: The best doctor in the world is a veterinarian. He can't ask his patients what is the matter -- he's got to just know. ~ Will Rogers
cat segovia: Is not a kiss the very autograph of love? ~ Henry Finck
cat segovia: Coffee, n. break fluid. ~ Author Unknown
cat segovia: I'm just a boat on the ocean. And I'm just a ship lost at sea ~ Matthew Good
cat segovia: "Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind." - Mary Ellen Chase
cat segovia: how do you like them apples?
cat segovia: Sand is overrated. It's just tiny, little rocks.
cat segovia: the dock
cat segovia: midnight picnic
cat segovia: 'And when the fog's over and the stars and the moon come out at night it'll be a beautiful sight.' — Jack Kerouac
cat segovia: "Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." — Albert Camus
cat segovia: summery winter
cat segovia: leafy dogpatch district walk
cat segovia: You can observe a lot by just watching. - Yogi Berra
cat segovia: "Any society which does not insist upon respect for all life must necessarily decay." — Albert Einstein
cat segovia: "One of the most fun inventions of my lifetime is the Mini." - James Dyson
cat segovia: The Greenes
cat segovia: i miss seeing these guys around town
cat segovia: my sunday read
cat segovia: early morning
cat segovia: “All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.” ~ John Gunther
cat segovia: The Great Escape
cat segovia: low tide
cat segovia: "Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with." ~Terri Guillemets
cat segovia: essentials