catscape: SGRE?
catscape: XOZS?
catscape: KIROE
catscape: Demonic Tongues Chanting
catscape: JERB
catscape: one fish, two fish...
catscape: DSCF0005
catscape: DSCF0004
catscape: DSCF0003
catscape: Hogansville train depot
catscape: DSCF0003
catscape: Norfolk Southern 8883
catscape: steel wheels
catscape: depot door
catscape: reflected conductor
catscape: hardware
catscape: last chance
catscape: Conrail 5435
catscape: Norfolk Southern 6081
catscape: switchman
catscape: art in motion
catscape: Norfolk Southern 6081
catscape: CEFX 3171
catscape: CEFX 3171
catscape: Columbus Chamber of Commerce
catscape: Chamber entrance
catscape: Foundry & Machine Co.
catscape: Chamber/Depot interior
catscape: The Columbus Chamber of Commerce
catscape: bridge