Catherine Ryan: 29/52- I make splashes
Catherine Ryan: Picture 977
Catherine Ryan: Picture 971
Catherine Ryan: 28/52- catch!
Catherine Ryan: Picture 950
Catherine Ryan: 27/52- fetch it up
Catherine Ryan: 26/52- it's raining
Catherine Ryan: IMG_0192.jpg
Catherine Ryan: 25/52- sunset silhouette
Catherine Ryan: IMG_0048.jpg
Catherine Ryan: IMG_0044.jpg
Catherine Ryan: 23/52 - Shaken, not stirred
Catherine Ryan: 22/52- de·ter·mi·na·tion
Catherine Ryan: 20/52 - fo·cus
Catherine Ryan: 17/52- the wedding
Catherine Ryan: 16/52- Patiently waiting
Catherine Ryan: 15/52 bathtime
Catherine Ryan: 12/52- three's a crowd
Catherine Ryan: 11/52- ex·haust·ed
Catherine Ryan: 10/52 - swamp monster
Catherine Ryan: 9/52 - fetch the moon
Catherine Ryan: week 9 outtake
Catherine Ryan: week 8 outttake
Catherine Ryan: 8/52 - HIS bird!
Catherine Ryan: week 8 outttake
Catherine Ryan: week 8 outttake
Catherine Ryan: week 8 outttake