Cat Rocketship: Sharpening a very tiny knife
Cat Rocketship: It's and effing pocket knife!
Cat Rocketship: The rabbit manure is good fertilizer, too.
Cat Rocketship: Bunny hutch
Cat Rocketship: 10 minutes to live
Cat Rocketship: Bunnies' baby brother
Cat Rocketship: Bunny furrrrrrrr
Cat Rocketship: Waiting to be weighed
Cat Rocketship: Weighing bunnies
Cat Rocketship: Sexing bunnies
Cat Rocketship: More sexing of the bunnies
Cat Rocketship: Prodding the bunnies to make sure they're fit specimens
Cat Rocketship: Bunny cuddling.
Cat Rocketship: Discussing bunny fates
Cat Rocketship: The bunny death march.
Cat Rocketship: Bunny death march part II
Cat Rocketship: Bunnies waiting.
Cat Rocketship: Kyle has many antlers, which I covet
Cat Rocketship: The guys prepping the...death...area?
Cat Rocketship: Death Area Part II
Cat Rocketship: Death Area Part III
Cat Rocketship: Death Area Part V
Cat Rocketship: Death Area Strikes Back
Cat Rocketship: Death Area with a Vengeance
Cat Rocketship: Ken pets the bunny. I think just this first bunny got petted.
Cat Rocketship: Killing the bunny.
Cat Rocketship: Bunny beheading
Cat Rocketship: YOU ARE NEXT