Catrijn: Hotel room
Catrijn: Hotel room
Catrijn: Doors to patio
Catrijn: View from the patio
Catrijn: View from the patio
Catrijn: Crossing the bridge into town
Catrijn: Crossing the bridge into town
Catrijn: The local church
Catrijn: View across the valley from Cerler
Catrijn: On the path from Cerler, the view south to Eriste
Catrijn: Overlooking Benasque
Catrijn: Overlooking Benasque
Catrijn: Looking up the valley to the north
Catrijn: The tops of the distant mountains mark the French border
Catrijn: Benasque
Catrijn: The valley between Eriste and Benasque
Catrijn: IMG_1302
Catrijn: The road out of Benasque
Catrijn: Watch out for slugs
Catrijn: Rushing water
Catrijn: Heading up the Estos Valley
Catrijn: Heading up the Estos valley
Catrijn: An unofficial path
Catrijn: Graffiti marking an unofficial path up Benas
Catrijn: Whitewater
Catrijn: Cabana Santa Ana
Catrijn: Thistle
Catrijn: IMG_1313
Catrijn: Flooded path
Catrijn: Moth