catpita: Pregaming, 9:30 a.m.
catpita: pregame, with baby
catpita: post office, 10:30 a.m.
catpita: Post Office, 10 a.m.
catpita: God's gift to womankind
catpita: fashion santa, santa, santa, santa, SUPERJEW
catpita: Menorah Man, aka Superjew!
catpita: Fashion Santa
catpita: My what a big beard you have
catpita: Siamese Santas
catpita: Street lamp Santa
catpita: Grinch
catpita: Santa's on the move!
catpita: Child Santa
catpita: Rock of Santa
catpita: Barack Santa!
catpita: He just needs a hat
catpita: robtree
catpita: Hello, ladies
catpita: Diplomat Santa
catpita: Betsy LOVES Santacon!
catpita: Rock Center
catpita: fashion santa, santa, superjew!
catpita: Santa takes the 6
catpita: Frat Santas!
catpita: Dirty Sanchez Santa
catpita: Jingle
catpita: Pretty downtown stars
catpita: Sea of Santas
catpita: That tall Santa