Paris Kelly: brush with fame
Paris Kelly: August ultrasound
Paris Kelly: Amy, Kelly, and Susie at Gallery Place
Paris Kelly: PepperJack June Ultrasound
Paris Kelly: PepperJack June Ultrasound
Paris Kelly: PepperJack June Ultrasound
Paris Kelly: Weird Al
Paris Kelly: Liam snoozing on the couch
Paris Kelly: Liam still snoozing on the couch
Paris Kelly: Liam in hospital
Paris Kelly: Liam in swing
Paris Kelly: liam and dad
Paris Kelly: Liam at birth
Paris Kelly: liam's first day at home
Paris Kelly: by the tree
Paris Kelly: liam in carseat
Paris Kelly: Leaving the hospital
Paris Kelly: liam lying on mom
Paris Kelly: crying baby
Paris Kelly: dad and liam on couch
Paris Kelly: dad and son in bed
Paris Kelly: getting diaper changed
Paris Kelly: on the couch
Paris Kelly: on the couch still
Paris Kelly: Amanda and Liam
Paris Kelly: Liam and Grandma
Paris Kelly: Liam and Grandma 2
Paris Kelly: Liam and Grandma 3
Paris Kelly: Janice and Liam
Paris Kelly: Janice and Liam 2