glynnbates160: Dukedog through the Valley.
Arutemu: Timothy
marsemark: May 10, 1863
marsemark: Not for Fame or Reward
marsemark: Reenactors
marsemark: At the Engine House
gfavchi: Reine island - Lofotan Norway
zachary.locks: A Bunch- April 15, 2016
Michael F. Nyiri: Thank You, God, Now Please Do It Again.
Guy Schmickle: Tres Amigos
MikeWeinhold: Moultonborough Public Library
Ed Ellington: Colonial Williamsburg afternoon Oct 24 2021-7
R R G 2: Jasper national park
marsemark: Defenders Bryce Canyon Cathedral Rock
kth1110: Dream of Mirrors
James Neeley: Stay-At-Home Regift
outtacontext: The Grimmest of Reapers
barrob photos: Washington DC early morning traffic at 530AM Eastern time
phonnick: Little Horseshoe (tighter view) - Rocky Mountain National Park
Guy Schmickle: The Gateway To Sedona
Mike Talplacido: Sacred Heart
Jens_Bolduan: Fröttmaning, 03.10.2018
Gary Helm: Little Blue Heron
Taron Curtis: Cwmorthin Elements
r.w.dawson: Diascund Resevoir 3
athanasios_anagnostou: ΑΛΣΑΤΙΑ - ΚΟΛΜΑΡ