* Cati Kaoe *: Cadenas / Chains / 鎖
* Cati Kaoe *: Dazzling
* Cati Kaoe *: Lágrimas / 涙
* Cati Kaoe *: Framed Grass
* Cati Kaoe *: Citric
* Cati Kaoe *: Red / Net
* Cati Kaoe *: Steps
* Cati Kaoe *: Through the Eclipse's Night
* Cati Kaoe *: Franjas
* Cati Kaoe *: Espiándolo.. / Spying him
* Cati Kaoe *: Enmarcado / Framed / 枠
* Cati Kaoe *: Connected / 接続
* Cati Kaoe *: After Rain...
* Cati Kaoe *: Little Nature
* Cati Kaoe *: Flora Nudista
* Cati Kaoe *: The Tree
* Cati Kaoe *: At the End of the Road // Al final del Camino
* Cati Kaoe *: Ready to fly
* Cati Kaoe *: Overprotected
* Cati Kaoe *: Wild Chocolate
* Cati Kaoe *: Pleading
* Cati Kaoe *: Metal Field