*catiedid*: 39/52: Come any closer... and I WILL shoot!
*catiedid*: 25/52: Yahoo!
*catiedid*: Not a 365 Photo!
*catiedid*: 41/52: Gooseflesh!
*catiedid*: granny smith apple [week 2]
*catiedid*: day one hundred sixty-nine (6.18.09)
*catiedid*: peach [week 12]
*catiedid*: day ninety-one (4.1.09) | 48/52: Mud-butt Tindell
*catiedid*: timberwolf [week 18]
*catiedid*: scarlet [week 32]
*catiedid*: day three hundred four (10.31.09)
*catiedid*: 37/52: New Shoes
*catiedid*: tan [week 22]
*catiedid*: baltimore
*catiedid*: day one hundred sixty-seven (6.16.09)
*catiedid*: mojitos by the pool
*catiedid*: cornflower [week 21]
*catiedid*: day twenty-six (1.26.09)
*catiedid*: milk & cookies
*catiedid*: things I like about MD
*catiedid*: 17/52: Kayaking in Style
*catiedid*: 15/52: The Cloud Room!
*catiedid*: look up
*catiedid*: day two hundred eighty-five (10.12.09)
*catiedid*: day three hundred thirty-six (12.2.09)
*catiedid*: Feet in the Air Revisited