CATIC-TEDer: An old woman was selling native cherry@Guiyang
CATIC-TEDer: Fresh Strawberries~
CATIC-TEDer: 传说中的花溪牛肉粉!It's a very famous food of Guizhou Province!
CATIC-TEDer: Unknown wild flowers!
CATIC-TEDer: Green and red!
CATIC-TEDer: The biggest Miao's village in China--Xijiang!
CATIC-TEDer: Harvest!
CATIC-TEDer: Miao's guesthouse!
CATIC-TEDer: Flickr on the coat!
CATIC-TEDer: Wide angle of the earth!大地的广角!
CATIC-TEDer: Sun and clouds!
CATIC-TEDer: 北斗七星!仔细看!
CATIC-TEDer: I'm working...
CATIC-TEDer: 伪宽幅之西江千户苗寨!
CATIC-TEDer: A view of Xijiang~
CATIC-TEDer: The clothes of Miao!漂亮的苗族服饰!
CATIC-TEDer: An very old mini bus to Xijiang!
CATIC-TEDer: Silver handicraft@Xijiang!
CATIC-TEDer: A Miao's blind woman and her little dog!
CATIC-TEDer: It's super time!炊烟四起!到了晚饭的时间了!
CATIC-TEDer: 伪宽幅之西江千户苗寨侧面!
CATIC-TEDer: Farmland@Guizhou
CATIC-TEDer: Streamlet
CATIC-TEDer: Re-post!伪宽幅之西江千户苗寨!
CATIC-TEDer: A polluted sunset!被污染了的夕阳!
CATIC-TEDer: Fern!蕨类植物!
CATIC-TEDer: Ploughing back!犁田!
CATIC-TEDer: Chinese bacon and sausage!贵州的腊肉和腊肠!