Cathy Weeks: Winter Soldier Jacket
Cathy Weeks: Borders of the Winter Soldier's metal arm
Cathy Weeks: Painting the arm silver.
Cathy Weeks: Pointed sleeve
Cathy Weeks: Completed sleeve - metal "plates" are next.
Cathy Weeks: Creating a template/pattern
Cathy Weeks: Peeling back the masking tape
Cathy Weeks: An exact copy of the sleeve, laying (almost) flat.
Cathy Weeks: Missing paint
Cathy Weeks: Completed plate template
Cathy Weeks: Beginnings of silver plates.
Cathy Weeks: Silver arm - plates complete (but unsewn)
Cathy Weeks: Sewn plates
Cathy Weeks: Stitching closeup
Cathy Weeks: Red Star added to the silver arm
Cathy Weeks: Completed Arm
Cathy Weeks: zipper closure
Cathy Weeks: Raw sleeve hole
Cathy Weeks: Finished edge
Cathy Weeks: Completed Jacket
Cathy Weeks: Goves (fail!)
Cathy Weeks: Gloves (fail)
Cathy Weeks: Gloves part II
Cathy Weeks: Sharpie lines
Cathy Weeks: Front of glove with sharpie lines
Cathy Weeks: Finished left hand
Cathy Weeks: Star Stencils
Cathy Weeks: Treat bag
Cathy Weeks: Cargo pants in a dye bath
Cathy Weeks: Cargo Pants dyed black/charcoal