Cathymk: The completed strawberries out in my little garden
Cathymk: ribbon cap all done
Cathymk: attaching hanger and first ribbon bow for a ribbon capped strawberry
Cathymk: felt wool cap all complete
Cathymk: sewind down the felt cap
Cathymk: Top of the strawberry with felt cap in place, tacked down.
Cathymk: Gather the top and secure
Cathymk: gathering the top of the strawberry
Cathymk: add stuffing and pull the running stitch gather.
Cathymk: run a gathering stitch around the edge of the cone shape
Cathymk: you might be able to make out the ladder stitch from this photo
Cathymk: DSCF2834.JPG
Cathymk: use a ladder stitch to join the straight seams
Cathymk: fold and finger press the straight seam
Cathymk: pin the template on and cut around
Cathymk: Iron on the interfacing on the reverse side of your stitching