Cathymk: Max and Felix "Chilling out"
Cathymk: Felix in repose
Cathymk: Felix Sleeping in the Sun
Cathymk: Felix refusing to help with the shopping list
Cathymk: Felix and Max - basket cases
Cathymk: Felix - Coffee table sitter
Cathymk: Max and Felix
Cathymk: Cathy, Max and Felix
Cathymk: Close up of Felix
Cathymk: Felix with cross-stitch
Cathymk: Felix plays with floss
Cathymk: Max and Felix
Cathymk: Felix in profile again
Cathymk: Felix "under the table"
Cathymk: Felix dreams
Cathymk: Felix undignified
Cathymk: Blogging interuptus
Cathymk: Felix under the table again
Cathymk: Felix ... with Joel
Cathymk: Felix - in profile
Cathymk: Wrapped in a blanket I.
Cathymk: Felix - not really interested in my cereal
Cathymk: Felix sticks his tongue out.
Cathymk: Now What?
Cathymk: Investigation
Cathymk: All seems to be correct here.
Cathymk: Anticipation - ready for the up!
Cathymk: Help!!
Cathymk: Felix and the Crazy Cat Lady Exchange
Cathymk: Felix