Cathy A Walters:
Matching Shirts
Cathy A Walters:
Cathy A Walters:
Cathy A Walters:
Luke and John at Norton Gardens
Cathy A Walters:
Throwing Rocks
Cathy A Walters:
Cathy A Walters:
Looking for things to throw in the water
Cathy A Walters:
John and Luke
Cathy A Walters:
Most of the Family
Cathy A Walters:
Grandpa and Luke
Cathy A Walters:
Dad, Horseradish, Gerry
Cathy A Walters:
Cathy A Walters:
Gerry's 1st Horseradish Lesson
Cathy A Walters:
John, Horsey, Luke and a "Train"
Cathy A Walters:
Luke's 1st ride on a Merry-Go-Round
Cathy A Walters:
Cathy A Walters:
The Staubles
Cathy A Walters:
Grill Girls
Cathy A Walters:
Easter Eggs
Cathy A Walters:
Easter Eggs
Cathy A Walters:
Drinking Dye
Cathy A Walters:
Green Egg
Cathy A Walters:
Orange Egg
Cathy A Walters:
Can you get any cuter?
Cathy A Walters:
I think my Grammie would be proud
Cathy A Walters:
Laura and Pierogi
Cathy A Walters:
Making Pierogi
Cathy A Walters:
Boiling Pierogi
Cathy A Walters:
We were trying to do a serious picture.
Cathy A Walters: