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cathyerway: a young strawberry
cathyerway: a tub of sunflowers just beginning to grow from seed
cathyerway: baby mizuna, a not-too-spicy Japanese cress, great for salads
cathyerway: French breakfast radishes popping out
cathyerway: a mint varietal aptly named "chocolate mint" -- it smells like a grasshopper cookie
cathyerway: pole beans
cathyerway: pole beans make their first appearance
cathyerway: assembling the compost tumbler!
cathyerway: we started the cucumber and zucchini seeds in a plant nursery indoors in early spring, where they sprouted in peat moss
cathyerway: cucumber seedlings
cathyerway: after a long day of planting from seed
cathyerway: just after many of the beans, tomatoes and hops were planted in these rows
cathyerway: chaff from Stumptown Coffee, Red Hook, BK (used to retain moisture & protection on top of compost soil in planters)
cathyerway: newly transferred kale seedlings
cathyerway: a seedling of red russian kale
cathyerway: broccoli seedlings about to be transplanted
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cathyerway: IMG_3217
cathyerway: Gaiasoil
cathyerway: Gaiasoil
cathyerway: Steve from Steve's Key Lime Pies gave us some extra buckets that his sweetened condensed milk comes in.
cathyerway: a garden gnome (the mushroom glows in the dark)
cathyerway: after a long day of planting from seed