cathyerway: Uncle David, Aunt Amy and Evan
cathyerway: Dim Sumday with fam
cathyerway: my little cousin
cathyerway: Phoebe, Chris, Jo-Jo and Amy
cathyerway: IMG_5101
cathyerway: hot bean sauce-marinated flank steak
cathyerway: hot bean sauce-marinated flank steak
cathyerway: dry rubbed, slow-cooked spareribs with homemade bbq sauce
cathyerway: dry rubbed, slow-cooked spareribs with homemade bbq sauce
cathyerway: dry rubbed, slow-cooked spareribs with homemade bbq sauce
cathyerway: grilled eggplant
cathyerway: grilled eggplant
cathyerway: grilled peppers
cathyerway: tea leaf-smoked chicken
cathyerway: tea leaf-smoked chicken
cathyerway: tea leaf-smoked chicken
cathyerway: me and cousin Phoebe
cathyerway: Aunt Ellen and mom
cathyerway: IMG_5068
cathyerway: IMG_5065
cathyerway: Chris, Evan, Amy, Dad and Zoe
cathyerway: IMG_5054
cathyerway: IMG_5051
cathyerway: IMG_5049