cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Loneliness...
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: BIG FAT CUTE Sheep
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Working room
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Working room- desk
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: I spot the candle holder, again!
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Hi, my name is pot pot candle holder...
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Hi, i am "catch fish rattan light stand"...
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Its candles!again!=)
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Candles and photos...lovin it!
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: From the kitchen
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: From the kitchen
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Hi, my master is Carmen ...
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Embroidery napkin
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: From the Kitchen
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Hi..i am a fridge...
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Hi...i am the fridge magnet on the fridge...
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Hi, i am the plant in the kitchen..
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Hi!!I am candle holder!upper is candle!
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Carmen's house
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: 蠟燭 CANDLE LIGHT
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: FIRST SHOOT-Carmen's house
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Vivitar2-停泊碼頭
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Vivitar2-淡水海景
cathybibi_eyes_of_cat: Vivitar2-漏網之魚