cathy andersen: kalanchoe thrysiflora
cathy andersen: crassula buddha's temple
cathy andersen: "Christmas" Cactus
cathy andersen: Goldmoss stonecrop
cathy andersen: Sedum maybe ewersii
cathy andersen: Haworthia mirabilis
cathy andersen: echeveria chinensis
cathy andersen: Escobaria missouriensis. The flower buds dried up, not opening
cathy andersen: Yellow iceplant
cathy andersen: Sedum rupestra stone orpine, 'angelina' and sedum ewersii
cathy andersen: Kalanchoe thyrsiflora
cathy andersen: haworthia decipiens flower stalk
cathy andersen: haworthia decipiens flower stalk
cathy andersen: Haworthia mirabilis
cathy andersen: rebutia marsoneri
cathy andersen: haworthia decipiens flower stalk
cathy andersen: Christmas Cactus Flower Bud
cathy andersen: kalanchoe thrysiflora new growth after cut
cathy andersen: Haworthia mirabilis
cathy andersen: Yucca rostrata. Seed sprouted March 2021
cathy andersen: aeonium atropurpureum growth on stem segment
cathy andersen: Christmas Cactus Flower Bud
cathy andersen: adromischus phillipsiae new growth
cathy andersen: cotyledon orbiculata new growth
cathy andersen: echeveria chinensis new growth
cathy andersen: cotyledon orbiculata new growth
cathy andersen: Senecio stapeliformis new shoot
cathy andersen: aeonium atropurpureum new growth