Cath S (sn000py): IMG_3503 copy
Cath S (sn000py): IMG_3415copy 1
Cath S (sn000py): the ballroom
Cath S (sn000py): Loo is all that is left
Cath S (sn000py): hydrangea
Cath S (sn000py): japaneseanemone2
Cath S (sn000py): japaneseanemone1
Cath S (sn000py): japanese anemone
Cath S (sn000py): Iridescent
Cath S (sn000py): Gusty round here....
Cath S (sn000py): Emerald colours and others
Cath S (sn000py): cows come home
Cath S (sn000py): bark and branches
Cath S (sn000py): Tree tips V2
Cath S (sn000py): leaves and branches
Cath S (sn000py): tints of autumn
Cath S (sn000py): timberrrrr
Cath S (sn000py): free weeds
Cath S (sn000py): Hydrangea petal
Cath S (sn000py): Hydrangea (again)
Cath S (sn000py): Evening... taking time to stop and smell the roses
Cath S (sn000py): Evening.... is taking time to smell the roses
Cath S (sn000py): Hydrangea V2
Cath S (sn000py): Evening... time to reminisce