cathm2: Bow of the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Ladder on the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Inside the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Inside the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Inside the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Divers on the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Looking through the portholes, Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Looking through the portholes, Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Looking through the portholes, Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Looking through the portholes, Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Looking through the portholes, Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Looking through the portholes, Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Leaf fish/ scorpionfish on the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Diving the Cavalli Islands
cathm2: Diving the Cavalli Islands
cathm2: Diving the Cavalli Islands
cathm2: Diving the Cavalli Islands
cathm2: Divers next to the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Diving the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Divers next to the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Scorpionfish on the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Divers next to the Rainbow Warrior
cathm2: Diving the HMNZS Canterbury
cathm2: Diving the HMNZS Canterbury
cathm2: Diving the HMNZS Canterbury
cathm2: Diving the HMNZS Canterbury
cathm2: Diving the HMNZS Canterbury
cathm2: Diving the HMNZS Canterbury
cathm2: Diving the HMNZS Canterbury
cathm2: Diving the HMNZS Canterbury