Catherine Just Photography: Precious morning time.
Catherine Just Photography: I love that we start our day with snuggles...and then a dance party.
Catherine Just Photography: Good morning! Happy Monday to ya!
Catherine Just Photography: Happy Tuesday! Let's start today expressing love outward.
Catherine Just Photography: Never forget how to dream butterfly - Madonna ( we listen to this song every morning. He is signing the word butterfly here )
Catherine Just Photography: Hooray it's Wednesday!
Catherine Just Photography: I'm verklempt ! This ones for @alex_franzen.
Catherine Just Photography: Good morning everybody!
Catherine Just Photography: Good morning everyone!
Catherine Just Photography: Merry Christmas!
Catherine Just Photography: My favorite peeps on the planet
Catherine Just Photography: Morning singing time. Can you hear us? It's pretty loud and off key but we don't care!
Catherine Just Photography: A New Years Self Portrait!
Catherine Just Photography: Morning photo. Followed by singing and dancing. Then meditation, Breakfast and back to preschool! How are you spending your morning?
Catherine Just Photography: Time to sleep. In between the morning photo and this end of day photo a lot has happened. Some good, and some challenges. But loving these bookends holding the day together. Precious.
Catherine Just Photography: I love waking up next to superman
Catherine Just Photography: Happiness on a Monday morning. And another of his self portraits
Catherine Just Photography: He woke up and opened his eyes right when I took this photo
Catherine Just Photography: Now he's awake and ready for his close up
Catherine Just Photography: Well happy Tuesday to ya!
Catherine Just Photography: Good morning everybody!
Catherine Just Photography: Happy Sunday to ya!
Catherine Just Photography: Happy Tuesday to ya!
Catherine Just Photography: Love it when he holds my face like this!
Catherine Just Photography: Gooooood morning everyone!
Catherine Just Photography: Good morning and a pile happiness and joy to you this morning!
Catherine Just Photography: Gooooooood morning!
Catherine Just Photography: Goooood morning everybody!!!!
Catherine Just Photography: Happy Sunday to y'all!!