Catherine Just Photography: Day 1, Max and his designer eye patch
Catherine Just Photography: Day 2, first day of class
Catherine Just Photography: day 4, Max watching sign language DVD
Catherine Just Photography: Day 5 - Max 15 month portrait - outtake
Catherine Just Photography: day 6, Visit to the Zoo
Catherine Just Photography: Day 7 - Pretty Girl
Catherine Just Photography: Day 8, May 7, Max On The Swing
Catherine Just Photography: Day 9, May 8th, Nap Time
Catherine Just Photography: Day 10, May 9th, Mothers Day 8am
Catherine Just Photography: Day 11, May 10, Bath
Catherine Just Photography: Day 12, May 11, Latte in a bowl
Catherine Just Photography: Day 13, May 12, sleep
Catherine Just Photography: day 19, May 18th, Dreaming of Oregon
Catherine Just Photography: day16, May 15th, Sunflower pods
Catherine Just Photography: Day 18, May 17th, New Swing!
Catherine Just Photography: May 23rd, Eat Love, Drink Tea
Catherine Just Photography: May 21st, grilled cheese truck
Catherine Just Photography: May 27th, another attempt to read
Catherine Just Photography: May 26th, Brady and Max
Catherine Just Photography: May 25th, Max and Shannon
Catherine Just Photography: May 28th, reunion with Agnes
Catherine Just Photography: May 30th, Nap time on Mama
Catherine Just Photography: May 31st, Meghan and Jamie!
Catherine Just Photography: June 1st, Max admiring me
Catherine Just Photography: Play - at the Park barefoot
Catherine Just Photography: with the Occupational Therapist