CatherineHale: Sketching in the dark with USK Namur
CatherineHale: Some fall colors in Namur
CatherineHale: The Braderie
CatherineHale: The Braderie
CatherineHale: The Braderie
CatherineHale: Another 10 minute performance
CatherineHale: last one of the 10 minute auditions
CatherineHale: Ekaterina and Eduartdo(?)
CatherineHale: De Miniemen
CatherineHale: String Merchants
CatherineHale: JP and PLAN CATNIP
CatherineHale: Auditions yesterday at Merksemdok
CatherineHale: Music for the weekly theme
CatherineHale: Free concert, Merksemdok
CatherineHale: Een olifant!
CatherineHale: Oostends Stripweekend
CatherineHale: “Oostends Stripweekend” (comics festival)
CatherineHale: Oostends Stripweekend
CatherineHale: Usk in Antwerp
CatherineHale: Sunny Easter Monday at the Parvis de Saint Gilles
CatherineHale: Signs of spring
CatherineHale: First plein air of the season
CatherineHale: Stopped at the Musée Belvue yesterday