Catherine Dixon:
PB: Ian McKeever letterpress type [detail]
Catherine Dixon:
PB: Ian McKeever letterpress type [detail]
Catherine Dixon:
newspaper kiosk
Catherine Dixon:
OTSP: a year ago today
Catherine Dixon:
Grafica Fidalga ‘lambe lambe’ wallpaper
Catherine Dixon:
a very lovely thank you
Catherine Dixon:
Jane Prophet: Textman (detail)
Catherine Dixon:
Chris Kenny: Circle of friends
Catherine Dixon:
Chris Kenny: Circle of friends (detail)
Catherine Dixon:
Chris Kenny: There is nothing heavier than books (detail)
Catherine Dixon:
nice to see a bit of Gill floriated
Catherine Dixon:
Matrix 28: front cover detail
Catherine Dixon:
Matrix 28: front cover detail
Catherine Dixon:
Matrix 28: Michael Harvey
Catherine Dixon:
Matrix 28: half-title
Catherine Dixon:
Matrix 28: my words so beautifully printed
Catherine Dixon:
Italic 2.0 (spread)
Catherine Dixon:
Italic 2.0 (spread)
Catherine Dixon:
Italic 2.0 (cover detail)
Catherine Dixon:
more nice post! Typoretum prize
Catherine Dixon:
more nice post! Typoretum prize
Catherine Dixon:
Christmas post: letterpress tree I
Catherine Dixon:
Christmas post: letterpress tree II
Catherine Dixon:
Christmas post: letterpress lyrics
Catherine Dixon:
Christmas post: more song lyrics
Catherine Dixon:
seasonal post final: Rick card
Catherine Dixon:
seasonal post final
Catherine Dixon:
seasonal post final
Catherine Dixon:
Happy Anniversary Hand & Eye!
Catherine Dixon:
nice post: Rijksoverheid specimen