catherine-emily: When violet eyes get brighter and heavy wings grow lighter I'll taste the sky and feel alive again 234/365
catherine-emily: Just a reminder 133/365
catherine-emily: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb. 225/365
catherine-emily: Sundays are my favourite days for dreaming. 215/365
catherine-emily: "It takes us back to primitive times when we worshipped dark gods as well as light gods. And it's a powerful metaphor for the outcast-- and monster in all of us." 200/365
catherine-emily: The Giant Floating Tap
catherine-emily: There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said to my daughter, though some days I'm louder about other stuff so it's easy to miss that.
catherine-emily: Who's a clever bunny? 178/365 {Explore}
catherine-emily: “The beauty and the tragedy of it is that you don't realise just how different you are.” 177/365
catherine-emily: Catherine Goes Back to School! 172/365
catherine-emily: Oh I'm Dreaming of You 168/365
catherine-emily: Looks nothing like an eye to me . . . 163/365
catherine-emily: We must believe that the people who will love us & stay with us will be drawn to everything we do, every piece of our unlocked heart they see. 137/365
catherine-emily: Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree 227/365
catherine-emily: A witch & her familiar 205/365
catherine-emily: "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." 113/365
catherine-emily: Is it my soul that calls me by my name? 255/365
catherine-emily: Neexistuje již žádné krásy na světě.
catherine-emily: Maxxie & me
catherine-emily: February
catherine-emily: Smiley happy face
catherine-emily: I'll be true to you ♥
catherine-emily: Give me hope in silence. It's easier. It's kinder. Tell me not of heartbreak. It plagues my soul.