Cathartik: this has changed n all..
Cathartik: ah. this was 2 wks ago me thinkth
Cathartik: salti n pepi inspecting my 1st ever book
Cathartik: ...went boating
Cathartik: laxenburg where the "young 'uns"...
Cathartik: april 2011
Cathartik: sari n lily
Cathartik: april 2011
Cathartik: sari n lilianne
Cathartik: lily watering the river - no! actually little seedings i tossed down the river embankment
Cathartik: brushing her path..
Cathartik: tending her baby plants
Cathartik: from the nest
Cathartik: exploding buds everywhere
Cathartik: the garden has been undergoing it's annual morph..