catfuzz: Chula at the Oregon Vortex
catfuzz: Chula at the House of Mystery
catfuzz: World Famous House of Mystery
catfuzz: Oregon Vortex
catfuzz: Inside the House of Mystery
catfuzz: Standing Broom only
catfuzz: House of Mystery 2
catfuzz: House of Mystery 1
catfuzz: Oregon Vortex sign
catfuzz: Used Tires - Goodrich Hwy
catfuzz: 24 Hour Towing
catfuzz: Burger Drive In
catfuzz: Really big, somewhat creepy Black Bird
catfuzz: Metal Outlaw
catfuzz: Jacksonville, OR main drag
catfuzz: Jacksonville, OR
catfuzz: Jacksonville mural
catfuzz: Jacksonville City Hall
catfuzz: Jacksonville Cemetery on a 100 degree day
catfuzz: Jacksonville Cemetery, 5 pm
catfuzz: Jacksonville Cemetery, orange bark
catfuzz: Jacksonville Cemetery, late afternoon
catfuzz: Jacksonville Cemetery
catfuzz: J Ville Tavern
catfuzz: The Michelin Man's ugly step-brother?
catfuzz: Egyptian Theater, Coos Bay OR
catfuzz: Egyptian Theater 1
catfuzz: Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
catfuzz: Bastendorff Beach 1
catfuzz: Bastendorff Beach 2