catdirtrecords: sess time @ the tower bar
catdirtrecords: cannabis cup!
catdirtrecords: miggs taang! @ the tower bar
catdirtrecords: sess time @ the tower bar
catdirtrecords: crowd shot, tower bar
catdirtrecords: san diego deacons logo
catdirtrecords: crowd shot, tower bar
catdirtrecords: pabst blue ribbon sign, tower bar
catdirtrecords: hamm's bear is "hammered"!
catdirtrecords: fifty on their heels @ the tower bar
catdirtrecords: Tower Bar Maximum Occupancy: 73!
catdirtrecords: fifty on their heels @ the tower bar
catdirtrecords: drummer, ima fucking gymnist
catdirtrecords: keyboard!
catdirtrecords: ima fucking gymnist @ tower bar
catdirtrecords: ima fucking gymnist @ tower bar
catdirtrecords: ima fucking gymnist @ the tower bar
catdirtrecords: ima fucking gymnist @ the tower bar
catdirtrecords: university avenue, looking west from tower bar
catdirtrecords: view of tower bar, from the parking lot
catdirtrecords: parking lot, the tower bar