catchlightdon: 20120204_ Along Embarcadero_1.jpg
catchlightdon: Bay Photo Cruise MBBF_01_2011
catchlightdon: Barn Swallow Glow_ 1 of 3
catchlightdon: Barn Swallows Mounting _ 2 of 3
catchlightdon: Barn Swallow Mating_ 3 of 3
catchlightdon: Close Approach__ THANKS for over 4 million total views since 2008
catchlightdon: Along the Embarcadero
catchlightdon: Unusual Behavior
catchlightdon: Bonding
catchlightdon: Vulnerable
catchlightdon: Resting in Morning LIght
catchlightdon: Catch Near the Dock
catchlightdon: Belly for Haul Out
catchlightdon: Committed
catchlightdon: Remembering__EXPLORE
catchlightdon: Oreo Otters