catb -: Cairn of Barnenez
catb -: Tug Chambon - Sirocco
catb -: Cargo ship Federal Miramichi
catb -: Federal Miramichi
catb -: Cherbourg pilot boat
catb -: Irish Ferries "Oscar Wilde" at Cherbourg
catb -: Librairie Boulavogue - booksale
catb -: Le chat qui lit?
catb -: Book browsing in the rain
catb -: Views of megalithic cairn
catb -: Views of Barnenez Cairn
catb -: Megalithic cairn on a hill (France)
catb -: Cairn on a hill
catb -: Megalithic tomb - France
catb -: Cancale
catb -: Oyster beds
catb -: Oyster farming
catb -: Working the oyster beds
catb -: Oyster workers
catb -: River walk
catb -: River Rance at Dinan
catb -: Viaduct at Dinan
catb -: Dolmen - engraved stones
catb -: Dolmen in the forest
catb -: Dolmen - Terminal cell view
catb -: Exploring the past - Dolmen entrance at Tressé
catb -: Rock carvings
catb -: Bizarre stone creatures
catb -: Face in the rocks
catb -: Rock sculpture