catb -: Not pretty!
catb -: seven spot ladybird on leaf
catb -: dragonfly - head on!
catb -: Yellow bee!
catb -: Yellow
catb -: garden snail
catb -: dragon fly (2)
catb -: Grasshopper
catb -: Ladybird on leaf
catb -: Sipping nectar
catb -: Nectar seeker
catb -: Best of both worlds!
catb -: Hover-fly in clover!
catb -: Working bee
catb -: Creeping through the undergrowth!
catb -: Bug - head-on!
catb -: Bug on a leaf
catb -: Hawthorn Shield Bug
catb -: Buff-tailed bumble bee
catb -: Brown Hawker dragonfly - 3
catb -: Brown Hawker dragonfly - 2
catb -: Brown Hawker dragonfly - 1
catb -: Predator
catb -: Just a hoverfly
catb -: Hoverfly on daisy
catb -: Hovering!
catb -: Hoverfly on fennel
catb -: Greenbottle
catb -: Seven-spot ladybird
catb -: A taste of mint!