catastrophy: water snake
catastrophy: Green heron
catastrophy: salamander
catastrophy: Baltimore Oriole
catastrophy: cardinal
catastrophy: Gorilla
catastrophy: Gorilla
catastrophy: Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris)
catastrophy: Gorilla checking the manicure
catastrophy: Gorilla
catastrophy: Leopard
catastrophy: Vulture
catastrophy: Leopard Tortoise
catastrophy: Aldabra Tortoise
catastrophy: Horn billed bird
catastrophy: white faced whistling ducks
catastrophy: Um. I can't remember
catastrophy: White-headed Buffalo Weaver, Africa
catastrophy: Cattle Egret
catastrophy: antelope family?
catastrophy: cardinal
catastrophy: southern ground hornbill
catastrophy: Scimitar horney oryx and other savannah critters
catastrophy: Slender tailed meerkat
catastrophy: bat-eared fox