catasterist: sunset ride
catasterist: ampersand of dreams
catasterist: Just Packaging
catasterist: East River sunset
catasterist: sky, factory
catasterist: a sort of an abstract pineapple
catasterist: Building 4
catasterist: facets
catasterist: turnabout
catasterist: Jersey Barrier preserve on the East River
catasterist: a kind of a belfry
catasterist: on Grand Avenue
catasterist: I saw a vision
catasterist: NATIONAL
catasterist: it is a mighty fine bridge
catasterist: ampersand or G-clef?
catasterist: thank you, IKEA, for bathrooms and lingonberry juice
catasterist: coffee ice cream cone + bike + East River
catasterist: SHIPPING
catasterist: just another East River sunset
catasterist: sunset, fence
catasterist: the view from Brooklyn