catasterist: Scout likes books
catasterist: Jo never holds still
catasterist: Mojo Jojo is always underfoot
catasterist: Scout is a punk rocker
catasterist: what's behind the fridge, Jo?
catasterist: time to wake up!
catasterist: dancing cats
catasterist: jo in the bag
catasterist: they will get used to the camera quickly
catasterist: glamor shot no. 2
catasterist: stretch
catasterist: look up!
catasterist: cleanup
catasterist: cat nap
catasterist: heating pipes are warm
catasterist: sleeping sisters
catasterist: coffee cat II
catasterist: Scout contemplates
catasterist: nice pattern
catasterist: coffee cat
catasterist: album cover
catasterist: kitten in the spotlight
catasterist: I love my Turboscratcher
catasterist: bartender, make it a double
catasterist: kitty, chiaroscuro
catasterist: Turboscratcher is yummy!
catasterist: here, let me get that spot for you
catasterist: cat yoga