cat and vee: H's quilt.
cat and vee: H's quilt - detail
cat and vee: H's quilt - detail
cat and vee: H's quilt - back detail
cat and vee: H's quilt - Ikea sheet for the back
cat and vee: Helen's 40th throw.
cat and vee: Mrs C's quilt - Christmas 2010
cat and vee: still not finished!
cat and vee: Birthday quilt for R - October 2011
cat and vee: back of R's quilt
cat and vee: quilt + Pipsqueak cushion for a sweet friend
cat and vee: R's quilt
cat and vee: R's quilt - detail
cat and vee: R's quilt + Pipsqueak cushion
cat and vee: back of R's quilt - detail
cat and vee: binding for Mrs D's quilt
cat and vee: Mrs D's quilt + cushion
cat and vee: binding - Miss B's quilt
cat and vee: Mrs D's quilt - Christmas 2011
cat and vee: Mrs D's quilt - detail
cat and vee: Miss B's quilt - detail
cat and vee: Miss B's quilt - Christmas 2011
cat and vee: Miss B's quilt - detail