Never Too Old's "The Quiet Girls": 458524948_1039399198188130_1258937638683138389_n
Never Too Old's "The Quiet Girls": BA9AF8A0-4ED9-4268-9862-D253837CB423_1_105_c
Never Too Old's "The Quiet Girls": EC1D94FF-38BF-484D-82E8-FD751CA07AC9_1_105_c
jaysdolls: Fading summer flowers
jaysdolls: Lora ready for school
phantomdolls: yudintseva emma - phantom creations #phantomdolls1
phantomdolls: yudintseva emma - phantom creations #phantomdolls1
phantomdolls: yudintseva emma - phantom creations #phantomdolls1
jaysdolls: Friends
air_dan: Daughter of a fisherman
air_dan: Daughter of a fisherman
air_dan: Thayra
cureilona of Lightpainted Doll: LD moths, Lightpainted Doll, porcelain bjd, ooak
~Brenda-Starr~: Woodland Folk - Before and After
Never Too Old's "The Quiet Girls": Her limited number is printed inside the head cap.
Never Too Old's "The Quiet Girls": A13063D7-D349-4290-9E6C-D245D44C269A_1_105_c
matahata: Ptichka Artolls Lora 1
e c h o u n d i n e: Lorna~ Ptichka Lora wip
Kim ️: Lora Ptichka Art Doll
jaysdolls: Alice 2
jaysdolls: Alice 1
jaysdolls: Granado Jane FS
jaysdolls: Tianba Iris rhododendrons
jaysdolls: Ram Cube Camille
jaysdolls: Distant Memory Laeoh
jaysdolls: Demiurge Dragon
Nightshade Dolls: Fuzzy Baby