Cat Johnson: swan lake
Cat Johnson: eye spy
Cat Johnson: In Search of Lost Time: Swann's Way
Cat Johnson: Du côté de chez Swann
Cat Johnson: Charles Swann
Cat Johnson: The Swann babies
Cat Johnson: ride a white swan
Cat Johnson: Gilberte
Cat Johnson: Gilberte Swann
Cat Johnson: convoy
Cat Johnson: Happy Father's Day
Cat Johnson: five Swann babies
Cat Johnson: contemplation
Cat Johnson: Serenity is knowing that your worst shot is still pretty good
Cat Johnson: impression: Odette
Cat Johnson: Odette
Cat Johnson: motion is tranquility
Cat Johnson: Siegfried
Cat Johnson: The Swanns
Cat Johnson: ride a white swan
Cat Johnson: if you dream on, dream on of being a swan
Cat Johnson: seven swans
Cat Johnson: I like birds
Cat Johnson: out of the sun
Cat Johnson: you are my heart and so I always follow
Cat Johnson: swan lake
Cat Johnson: forget the swan
Cat Johnson: bench Saturday
Cat Johnson: if you dream on, dream on of being a swan