Cat Sidh: Tony Meineke
Cat Sidh: Tony Meineke
Cat Sidh: Jeanne Thompson
Cat Sidh: Jeanne Thompson
Cat Sidh: Estelle Hoover and Jeanne Thompson, 1927
Cat Sidh: Nell Basquill
Cat Sidh: Nell Basquill (large)
Cat Sidh: Nell Basquill
Cat Sidh: Nell Basquill
Cat Sidh: Henry Meineke and Mary Shumaker Wedding Portrait 1894
Cat Sidh: Homer Charles Lord and Clarisa A. Perry Wedding Portrait 1897
Cat Sidh: Homer Charles Lord and Clarisa A. Perry, about 1915
Cat Sidh: Clarisa A. Perry
Cat Sidh: Homer Charles Lord and Clarisa A. Perry, about 1915
Cat Sidh: Lord Family
Cat Sidh: Lord Family, about 1914
Cat Sidh: Lord Family, about 1914, annotated
Cat Sidh: Jay and Boyd Lord
Cat Sidh: Cecil John Meineke and Clarice Marie Lord Wedding Portrait 1923
Cat Sidh: Photo-82
Cat Sidh: Merton Meineke, 1944
Cat Sidh: Merton Meineke and Queen
Cat Sidh: Merton Meineke and Queen
Cat Sidh: Hormel Newsletter, 1950
Cat Sidh: Letter
Cat Sidh: John Couvrette, about 1964
Cat Sidh: Paul George Couvrette and Margaret Clara Barzen 1967
Cat Sidh: Nell Basquill, Mary Dery, and Merton Meineke 1967
Cat Sidh: Paul Couvrette and Timothy Meineke 1967
Cat Sidh: John Couvrette (center) Wedding Toast 1967