richardr: Teufelsberg
richardr: Battersea Power Station
richardr: The Remains of the Day
richardr: Aldwych Tube Station
richardr: Old Blackfriars Bridge
richardr: Teufelsberg
richardr: Aldwych Tube Station
richardr: Battersea Power Station
richardr: The Remains of the Day
richardr: Ghost Station
richardr: Wilton's Music Hall
richardr: Brighton West Pier
richardr: Teufelsberg
richardr: Wilton's Music Hall
richardr: As On A Darkling Plain
richardr: Teufelsberg
richardr: The Remains of the Day
richardr: Do the Strand
richardr: Battersea Power Station
richardr: Ghost station
richardr: Brighton Pier
richardr: Limehouse Accumulator Tower
richardr: Teufelsberg
richardr: After The Firestorm
richardr: Teufelsberg
richardr: Millennium Mills
richardr: Industrial Gothic
richardr: The Eternal Note of Sadness
richardr: Crossness Pumping Station
richardr: Tate Institute