castro.pic: Messier 51 - whirlpool-galaxy
castro.pic: Messier 51 - whirlpool-galaxy crop
castro.pic: Messier 102 crop
castro.pic: Messier 102
castro.pic: Messier 102 Annotated
castro.pic: Hickson 68 crop
castro.pic: Hickson 68 and NGC5371
castro.pic: NGC5371 and Hickson 68 Annotated
castro.pic: NGC4725
castro.pic: Galaxies in Draco
castro.pic: Ghost Nebula - VdB141
castro.pic: Messier 13 - globular cluster
castro.pic: M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy - LRGB
castro.pic: The Crescent Nebula - the brain
castro.pic: The Great Wall
castro.pic: Eye of Sauron - NGC7293 crop
castro.pic: IC342 - The Hidden Galaxy
castro.pic: IC405
castro.pic: IC 1396A - Elephant's Trunk nebula (Elefantenrüsselnebel)
castro.pic: NGC6995 - Cirrusnebel (Schleiernebel)
castro.pic: Messier 45 - close up
castro.pic: Sh2-112 - emission nebula
castro.pic: Sh2-112 - emission nebula
castro.pic: Sh2-115
castro.pic: Messier 51 - Whirlpool Galaxy
castro.pic: The Lagoon Nebula - M8
castro.pic: The Monkey Head Nebula - NGC2175
castro.pic: Messier 94 - Cat's Eye Galaxy
castro.pic: Messier 1 - Crab Nebula
castro.pic: Messier 16 - Eagle Nebula